Museums and Galleries

Museums, galleries and arts centres near Wick

Delve into Caithness’ stories, traditions and arts, with our local museums, galleries and visitor centres. Learn about the past and look forward to the future, through centuries of Scottish history, from times gone by to the present day. Explore exhibitions, displays, hands-on experiences and more.

Caithness heritage, arts and culture

Visit these museums and galleries, arts and visitor centres in and around Wick, during your stay with us at Mackays Hotel. The far north of Scotland is rich in history and heritage. And this is a great way to get to know the area, through a wide array of cultural attractions.

Please note, opening times may be seasonal. Please check with individual attractions before visiting.

Local museums

Find out more about the history of Caithness at Wick Heritage Museum. Here, you can step back in time through a series of historical rooms, each containing authentic household items and furnishings. From an old-fashioned kitchen to a family photography studio. Then journey through three floors of history at the North Coast Visitor Centre, which tells the story of Caithness from the Devonian Period to the present day.

Visit Laidhay Croft Museum, a restored Caithness croft near Dunbeath, to see how people lived 250 years ago. And explore the Timespan Museum in Helmsdale. Covering important moments in our local history through objects, images, stories and interactive displays.

Arts centres and galleries

Enjoy performances, exhibitions and other events at Lyth Arts Centre, located in an old Victorian school building between Wick and Thurso. This is an exciting arts hub. It presents carefully curated art exhibitions and a programme of live shows from small-scale touring companies. You can also visit Thurso Art Gallery, which displays a range of works from local and global artists. It also hosts a year-round programme of inspiring exhibitions.

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